A midgut transcriptional regulatory loop favors an insect host to withstand a bacterial pathogen
Vice Prime Minister Jorge Tapia of Cuba Visits the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Pro. Youjun Zhang’s research group resolves the molecular mechanism underpinning evolutionary trade-offs
Dr. Liping Jin was awarded the “World Potato Industry Award“
Researchers from IVF-CAAS identified the metabolite compositions in the common beans and their correlations with antioxidant activity
Researchers discover resistance genes for bacterial soft rot in cucumber seedlings
First report of a near-complete cucumber reference genome and multi-omics database
Visit by CGIAR Executive Director Ismahane Elouafi to the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers,CAAS
Experts from Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable economic Development visited our institute
The soilless culture research group at the Vegetable and Flower Institute has revealed that MgFe-LDHs can promote the growth of cucumber seedlings and improve iron absorption.
Insights into spinach domestication from genome sequences of two wild spinach progenitors, Spinacia turkestanica and Spinacia tetrandra
The Quality and Safety Research Group of The Institute of Vegetables and Flowers Developed Quercetin Nanocomposite Film Supported by MOFs for Strawberry Preservation
Development of a new method for one-step creation of CMS lines in Brassica crops
Identification and functional characterization of conserved cis-regulatory elements responsible for early fruit development in cucurbit crops
The Quality Molecular Improvement Research Group of Institute of Vegetables and Flowers reveals a new mechanism for the thermal morphogenesis of tomato inflorescences
The novel algorithm/tool OcBSA facilitates efficient gene mapping for outcross species
Chinese Scientists Reveal New Mechanism Driving Diversification and Domestication of Brassica Vegetables through Structural Variation
Two horizontally acquired bacterial genes steer the exceptionally efficient and flexible nitrogenous waste cycling in whiteflies
Researchers from IVF-CAAS revealed the molecular mechanism of CsMLO8/11 in regulating cucumber powdery mildew resistance
Researchers discover novel genes regulating heat tolerance in adult cucumber