Science Advances | Zhang Youjun’s team reveals new mechanisms arbovirus disease outbreaks
Functional divergence of plant-derived thaumatin-like protein genes in two closely related whitefly species“Source: Institute of Vegetables and Flowers”
JIPB | The Cabbage Genetic Breeding Innovation Team at the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Develops New Germplasm with Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance of Brassica oleracea by Knocking Out BPM...
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Deciphers Wild and Cultivated Pepper Genomes and Unravels the Evolution of Trait Diversity
V International Symposium On Plant Cryopreservation
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Builds Solanaceae Inter-species Pan-genome
Lily Research Group Reveals New Mechanism for Anthocyanin Glycosylation Regulation in Lilies
Nature | Releasing a sugar brake generates sweeter tomato without yield penalty
Design and preparation of porous MOFs nanocarriers to enhance the bactericidal effect and bio-availability of pesticides
Complete reference genome for the pepper variety “Zunla-1” unveiled by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Vietnamese Delegation Visited the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers
Delegation of High-Level Science and Technology Managers from European countries Visited IVF
A new mechanism underlying chlorpyrifos resistance in a polyphagous pest mite involves reduced expression and sequence variations of a P450 gene
A novel porous nanocarrier was constructed and applied to sustained controlled release of myclobutanil and synergistic inhibition of Fusarium oxysporum
GB | Collaboration between the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, CAAS, and Wageningen University Unveils the Key Role of Homoeologous Exchange in the Domestication of Allopolyploid Brassica Vegetables
The vegetable pathogen research Group of the IVFCAAS revealed a new mechanism by which resistance genes inhibit pathogenic microorganisms through the regulation of the rhizosphere microbiome.
The Vegetable Molecular Design Breeding Team at the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers has revealed the active transcriptional characteristics at the homoeologous exchange breakpoint positions in allopolyploids
Quality and safety research Group of institute of vegetables and flowers: Developing fine-tuned MOF membranes for highly efficient separation and adsorption of chemical pollutant in water
Pan-genome analysis of 13 Spinacia accessions reveals structural variations associated with sex chromosome evolution and domestication traits in spinach
The Quality and Safety Research Group of The Institute of Vegetables and Flowers:Defective ZIF nanoframework preparation technology was constructed and applied to the capture and removal of nanoplastics in fruit and vegetable