Science Advances | Zhang Youjun’s team reveals new mechanisms arbovirus disease outbreaks
2025-03-04Functional divergence of plant-derived thaumatin-like protein genes in two closely related whitefly species“Source: Institute of Vegetables and Flowers”
2025-03-01JIPB | The Cabbage Genetic Breeding Innovation Team at the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Develops New Germplasm with Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance of Brassica oleracea by Knocking Out BPM...
2025-02-15Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Deciphers Wild and Cultivated Pepper Genomes and Unravels the Evolution of Trait Diversity
2025-02-03Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Builds Solanaceae Inter-species Pan-genome
2025-01-03Lily Research Group Reveals New Mechanism for Anthocyanin Glycosylation Regulation in Lilies
2024-12-19Nature | Releasing a sugar brake generates sweeter tomato without yield penalty
2024-11-13Design and preparation of porous MOFs nanocarriers to enhance the bactericidal effect and bio-availability of pesticides
2024-11-08Complete reference genome for the pepper variety “Zunla-1” unveiled by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
2024-10-29A new mechanism underlying chlorpyrifos resistance in a polyphagous pest mite involves reduced expression and sequence variations of a P450 gene
2024-09-24A novel porous nanocarrier was constructed and applied to sustained controlled release of myclobutanil and synergistic inhibition of Fusarium oxysporum
2024-09-14GB | Collaboration between the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, CAAS, and Wageningen University Unveils the Key Role of Homoeologous Exchange in the Domestication of Allopolyploid Brassica Vegetables
2024-09-06The vegetable pathogen research Group of the IVFCAAS revealed a new mechanism by which resistance genes inhibit pathogenic microorganisms through the regulation of the rhizosphere microbiome.
2024-09-06The Vegetable Molecular Design Breeding Team at the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers has revealed the active transcriptional characteristics at the homoeologous exchange breakpoint positions in allopolyploids
2024-08-22Quality and safety research Group of institute of vegetables and flowers: Developing fine-tuned MOF membranes for highly efficient separation and adsorption of chemical pollutant in water
2024-08-07Pan-genome analysis of 13 Spinacia accessions reveals structural variations associated with sex chromosome evolution and domestication traits in spinach
2024-08-05The Quality and Safety Research Group of The Institute of Vegetables and Flowers:Defective ZIF nanoframework preparation technology was constructed and applied to the capture and removal of nanoplastics in fruit and vegetable
2024-08-05A midgut transcriptional regulatory loop favors an insect host to withstand a bacterial pathogen
2024-07-21Pro. Youjun Zhang’s research group resolves the molecular mechanism underpinning evolutionary trade-offs
2024-07-08Researchers from IVF-CAAS identified the metabolite compositions in the common beans and their correlations with antioxidant activity